We take pride in the thousands...

Service Policies

We understand how important it is to protect your investment in your new home. All of us at Appia are committed to respond to, and address all warranty issues that may arise. If you have a warranty issue that needs to be addressed, please contact us or complete our on-line service request form that will automatically be sent to our customer service department.


Your pre-occupancy inspection gives you the opportunity to inspect your home, accompanied by an Appia customer service representative. At this time, should any minor deficiencies be noticed they will be corrected, in most cases, prior to moving in.

12 Month Protection

Should any problems arise during the first 12 months that require prompt attention and cannot be deferred until year-end, Appia's service technicians will respond.

Material Selection and Quality Control

Careful thought and consideration has gone into the selection of the numerous materials and products used in construction and finishing of your home including the selection of all appliances. As construction has progressed, our on-site personnel have monitored the workmanship and the various installations with a keen eye on fit and finish at each phase. Before you view and prior to moving into your new home, it will have been thoroughly inspected by our experienced detail crew, to identify and correct any deficiencies.

Warranty Information

At APPIA we stand behind our work. As builders, we are licensed by the Homeowner Protection Office of BC and provide third-party home warranty insurance on every new residence. Each of our insurers is approved by the provincial Financial Institutions Commission with appropriate coverage and exclusions as set by legislation. All of our homes come with 2-5-10-year home warranty insurance (2 years on labour and included materials; 5 years on the building envelope; and 10 years on the structure of the home), providing the strongest construction insurance in Canada.